Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

The ResortQuest Call Center is taking the initiative to become an eco-friendly business. Our goal is to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle all possible office materials as well as make eco-friendly choices when purchasing and disposing of supplies. ResortQuest has teamed up with Hurlburt Field, 16th Services Division, in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, to collect all recyclable paper, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, toner cartridges, cardboard, wood pallets, and out of date marketing materials on a weekly basis. Other materials such as used cell phones, rechargeable batteries, ink stamps, plastic bags and florescent lights are being recycled by various sources. A majority of the paper supplies purchased are made of at least 30% recycled materials and we’re in the process of switching to eco-friendly cleaning products and CFL lighting in our office.

ResortQuest employees are involved in the Reduce, Reuse & Recycle campaign too. We’ve asked employees to bring in reusable mugs for coffee to reduce the use of paper cups. Employees are making a conscience effort to place items in the recycle bins provided and reduce the amount of materials being used.

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